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Conservatory Metropolitan District
Community Update | November 2024
As part of its commitment to keeping residents informed about current matters, the Board of Directors of the Conservatory Metropolitan District (the “District”) will provide periodic updates to the community. This summary is intended to offer an overview, and residents are encouraged to attend Board meetings for more detailed information and firsthand updates. For 2025, the Board’s regular meetings are scheduled at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 21, and the third Monday of March, May, July, and August. October’s meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. on the third Monday, October 20. The Town Hall Meeting is also scheduled for October 20, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. Special meetings may be called as needed. The approved minutes from past meetings are available on the District’s website. For additional information, please contact the District Manager at (720) 213-6621 or visit
Holiday Lighting: The District is pleased to announce that its lighting vendor has successfully completed the installation of holiday lighting at and around the District’s monuments. The holiday lights are scheduled to be activated on Monday, November 25, the Monday before Thanksgiving. The lights will remain illuminated through Monday, January 6, providing a beautiful and cheerful display throughout the holiday period and into the new year.
The Board of Directors extends their warmest wishes to all residents for a safe, happy, and joyous holiday season!
Roundabout Completion: The Board of Directors would like to express their sincere gratitude to all residents for their patience, understanding, and cooperation during the recent road closures that occurred as part of the City of Aurora’s infrastructure improvement efforts. The disruptions caused by these closures were an unavoidable but necessary step in completing the important roundabout project located on S. Conservatory Pkwy. at the intersections of E. Dartmouth Dr. and E. Eastman Ave. The District collaborated with the City to develop a design that slows traffic speeds while maintaining smooth traffic flow through the community, addressing longstanding concerns about traffic speed and safety. Restoration efforts have returned the affected spaces to a condition that meets the standards set forth by the Board of Directors, ensuring that the aesthetics and functionality of the community are preserved.
Pond 3 Improvements: The City of Aurora has made significant progress toward completing the improvement project for Pond 3, with most of the planned work now finalized. The project’s outstanding components involve rehabilitation of disturbed areas. The final phase of restorative efforts is scheduled to take place during the spring of 2025. Once restored, the project will be completed in its entirety. It is important to note that Pond 3 is entirely owned and maintained by the City of Aurora. As such, the District’s involvement in this project has been limited to communicating important updates and progress reports to the District’s residents.
2025 Meeting Dates: The District’s Board of Directors has finalized the meeting schedule for 2025. The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 21 at 9:00 a.m. Regular meetings will be held at 9:00 a.m. on the third Monday of the following months: March (March 24), May (May 19), July (July 21), and August (August 18).The October meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 20, at 9:30 a.m. Additionally, the District’s Town Hall Meeting will occur earlier that same day, October 20, at 9:00 a.m.
Digital Community Updates: The Board of Directors is considering transitioning to a digital distribution of these Community Updates. If accepted, the transition will occur over the first quarter of 2025 with the Update going fully digital in the second quarter of 2025. If you would like to share your thoughts regarding the potential transition, please send an email to
Conservatory Metropolitan District
Community Update
February 2024
As part of its ongoing effort to keep residents apprised of current matters before the Board of Directors of
the Conservatory Metropolitan District (the “District”), the Board intends to provide periodic updates to
the community. The information contained herein is only a brief summary, and residents are encouraged to
attend Board meetings to learn about matters firsthand. For 2024, with the exception of January, which is
the third Tuesday, and special meetings, the Board meets regularly at 9:00 a.m. on the third Monday of
March, May, July, August and September. Approved Minutes of recent meetings are posted to the District’s
website. For additional information please contact the District Manager at (720) 213-6621 or visit our
website at
2024 Budget has been approved and mill levies set: The District is pleased to report that the 2024 Budget
has been approved and mill levies set. There were many challenges for this year’s budget; across the Denver
Metro Area residential property saw an average increase in assessed values between 35-45% in 2023
valuations. Arapahoe County alone saw an average increase of 42% prior to Governor intervention. The
Conservatory Metro District Board took enormous increases due to the homeowners’ asset value into
consideration for the 2024 budget and are pleased to report a reducing reduction in overall Conservatory mill
levy. In the General Fund, the mill levy will be set to 16.050. This is a reduction from 21.000 mills in 2023.
In the Debt Fund, the mill levy will be set to 18.156. This is a reduction from 25.000 mills in 2023. The
total mill levy for 2024 was reduced from 47.114 is 36.012; this includes a 1.351 mill levy that is imposed
by the City of Aurora for regional improvements.
Wall Repair Along Conservatory Parkway Near Artwork: The small retaining wall was damaged by a
vehicle in December 2023. The Board was able to have this area repaired and looking nice for the residents.
Detention Pond No. 6 Inlet and Pond No. 7, District Project: Construction and volume certification for
Pond No. 6, the largest detention pond within the Xcel easement area has been completed. Sediment removal
has been completed on Pond No. 7, situated in Tract V, near the gazebo structure at the northern end of the
Detention Pond No. 3 Rehabilitation, City of Aurora Project: The City of Aurora has begun
rehabilitation of Pond No. 3. The work is necessary to restore the storm water retention volume, and overall
functionality of the pond. The City presented a very informative PowerPoint presentation, available for
viewing on the homepage of the District’s website. The project is expected to conclude in June or July 2024.
Conservatory Metropolitan District
Community Update
December 2023
As part of its ongoing effort to keep residents apprised of current matters before the Board of Directors of the Conservatory Metropolitan District (the “District”), the Board intends to provide periodic updates to the community. The information contained herein is only a brief summary, and residents are encouraged to attend
Board meetings to learn about matters firsthand. For 2024, with the exception of January, which is the third Tuesday, and special meetings, the Board meets regularly at 9:00 a.m. on the third Monday of March, May, July, August and September. Approved Minutes of recent meetings are posted to the District’s website. For additional information please contact the District Manager at (720) 213-6621 or visit our website at
Irrigation Savings for 2023 landscape season: The District is pleased to report that for the 2023 irrigation season, the community has saved over $61,000 in water costs compared to 2022. This is due to a wet spring, increased monitoring, and Board-approved upgrades of the existing irrigation system.
Detention Pond No. 6 Inlet, District Project: Construction is complete on Pond No. 6, the largest detention pond within the Xcel easement area.
Detention Pond No. 7. District Project: Sediment removal has been completed on Pond No. 7, situated in Tract V, near the gazebo structure at the northern end of the community.
New Benches: Two new community benches were installed; one at the playground along Lisbon and the other, along Conservatory Parkway, just to the north of East Dartmouth Drive.
Holiday Lighting: The District has installed and turned on the holiday lights for the season. They will be on at the monument entrances until January 8th. We hope that you enjoy the holiday lighting.
Repair of collapsed retaining wall along Conservatory Parkway: The District has completed the repair of a collapsed retaining wall along Conservatory Parkway. This damage was due to storm flooding early this summer.
Detention Pond No. 3 Rehabilitation, City of Aurora Project: The City of Aurora has begun rehabilitation of Pond No. 3. The work is necessary to restore the storm water retention volume, and overall functionality of the pond. The City presented a very informative PowerPoint presentation, available for viewing on the homepage of
the District’s website. The project is expected to conclude in June or July 2024.
Conservatory Metropolitan District
Community Update
October 2023
As part of its ongoing effort to keep residents apprised of current matters before the Board of Directors of the Conservatory Metropolitan District (the “District”), the Board intends to provide periodic updates to the
community. The information contained herein is only a brief summary, and residents are encouraged to attend Board meetings to learn about matters firsthand. With the exception of January, which is the fourth Monday, and special meetings, the Board meets regularly at 9:00 a.m. on the third Monday of March, May, July, August and
September. The October meeting is being moved to November 13 at 6:15pm. Minutes of recent meetings are posted to the District’s website. For additional information please contact the District Manager at (720) 213-6621 or visit
our website at
Annual Town Hall Meeting: Due to recent legislative changes, metropolitan districts formed after January 1, 2000, are required to hold an annual Town Hall Meeting. At the meeting, the Board cannot conduct any official business or take any action. This meeting must include:
• A presentation regarding the status of public infrastructure projects within the
District (if any);
• A presentation regarding outstanding bonds, if any;
• A review of unaudited financial statements showing the year-to-date revenue and expenditures of the district
in relation to is adopted budget, as amended (if applicable), for the calendar year and;
• An opportunity for members of the public to ask questions about the District.
The Town Hall meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. and will be held virtually
via Zoom. Meeting link information will be posted on the District’s website.
2023 Budget Hearing: The District will hold its budget hearing on Wednesday, November 13th, 2023 at 6:15 p.m.
The budget hearing will be held virtually via Zoom. Meeting link information will be posted on the District’s website.
Welcome New Director: We are pleased to announce that on September 26, 2023, Robert (Bob) Hunchberger was
appointed as a new Director serving until May of 2025 to fill the seat previously held by Director Giles. We would
like to thank Robert Giles for his service to the community.
Holiday Lighting: This year’s holiday lighting display at the entry monuments will be illuminated beginning
November 20th and will be lit nightly through January 8th.
Detention Pond No. 3 Rehabilitation, City of Aurora Project: City of Aurora discussed the scope and timing of
the City’s Pond No. 3 project within the Conservatory community. The work is necessary to restore the storm water
retention volume and the overall functionality of the pond. City of Aurora staff presented a very informative
PowerPoint presentation detailing the rehabilitation of the pond. The presentation may be viewed on the homepage
of the District’s website: The City of Aurora’s work is anticipated to commence in November
2023, with staging of materials and equipment starting in late October 2023. The project is expected to conclude in
June or July 2024.
Irrigation Improvements and Shut off: Earlier this year, the District made significant improvements to the
irrigation system, including the replacement of 1,708 irrigation heads along Conservatory Parkway. The
improvements and the wet conditions this spring have drastically reduced water consumption by 44%, which
equates to a savings of $65,256. Each year the District’s Board considers additional water conservation measures
and will continue to look for options in 2024. The community’s irrigation will be shut off the week of October 16th
and winterization of the system will occur the week of October 23rd.
New Benches Planned: The District is moving forward with the installation of two new park benches; one at the
playground along Conservatory Parkway, and the other, just to the north of East Dartmouth Drive. We are excited
to add these useful public amenities to the common areas of our beautiful community.
Conservatory Metropolitan District
Community Update
August 2023
As part of its ongoing effort to keep residents apprised of current matters before the Board of Directors of the
Conservatory Metropolitan District (the “District”), the Board intends to provide periodic updates to the
community. The information contained herein is only a brief summary, and residents are encouraged to attend
Board meetings to learn about matters firsthand. With the exception of January, which is the fourth Monday, and
special meetings, the Board meets regularly at 9:00 a.m. on the third Monday of March, May, July, August and
September. The October meeting is being moved to November 13 at 6:15pm. Minutes of recent meetings are posted
to the District’s website. For additional information please contact the District Manager at (720) 213-6621 or visit
our website at
Annual Town Hall Meeting: Due to recent legislative changes, metropolitan districts formed after January 1, 2000
are required to hold an annual Town Hall Meeting. At the annual meeting, the Board cannot conduct any official
business or take any action. This meeting must include:
• A presentation regarding the status of public infrastructure projects within the District (if any);
• A presentation regarding outstanding bonds, if any;
• A review of unaudited financial statements showing the year-to-date revenue and expenditures of the district
in relation to is adopted budget, as amended (if applicable), for that calendar year and;
• An opportunity for members of the public to ask questions about the District.
The meeting will be held November 13th, 2023 at 5:00pm and will be held virtually. Meeting link information will
be posted on the District’s website.
Detention Pond No. 6 Inlet, District Project: Construction is complete on Pond No. 6, the largest detention pond
within the Xcel easement area. Final walkthroughs are being conducted with the contractor and engineering team.
Detention Pond No. 7. District Project: Sediment removal has been completed on Pond No. 7, situated in Tract V
near the gazebo structure at the northern end of the community. Additional grading to restore the pond to its initial
capacity is expected to resume in the coming days, as we work with the contractor’s schedule and monitor the weather
and ground conditions.
Detention Pond No. 3 Rehabilitation, City of Aurora Project: The Board of Directors recently met with
representatives from the City to discuss the rehabilitation of Pond No. 3. The work is necessary to restore the storm
water retention volume, and overall functionality of the pond. The City presented the Board a very informative
PowerPoint presentation, available for viewing on the homepage of the District’s website. The initial work is
anticipated to commence in October 2023, with construction set to begin in either November or December 2023. The
project is expected to conclude in June or July 2024.
Irrigation Improvements: Each year the District’s Board considers additional water conservation measures, and
the work will continue in 2023. BrightView Landscaping is presently upgrading sprinkler heads and making other
water distribution and conservation improvements to the irrigation system in various areas of the community. The
work will continue through the irrigation season. To report irrigation leaks or maintenance issues, please submit a
Maintenance Request via the District’s website:, or contact Public Alliance, the District’s Management
company at: 720-213-6621.
Native Grass: The District has been working with BrightView Landscaping to manage weed control and mowing
in the native grass areas. The significantly increased rainfall this year contributed to the robust growth of all
vegetation including weeds. BrightView has been actively spot-spraying and manually removing weeds on District
New Benches: The District is moving forward with the installation of two new benches; one at the playground
along Conservatory Parkway, and the other, just to the north of East Dartmouth Drive. We are excited to add these
useful public amenities.
District Credit Rating: Good news! The credit rating issued by Moody’s for the District was upgraded to “AA”.
This reflects a healthy tax base and strong financial controls. This is important to our ability to potentially re-finance
existing debt at some future date, should this become advantageous or necessary, and serves as assurance that our
public funds are well managed by the Board and the District’s consultants.
Conservatory Metropolitan District
Community Update
June 2023
As part of its ongoing effort to keep residents apprised of current matters before the Board of Directors of the
Conservatory Metropolitan District (the “District”), the Board intends to provide periodic updates to the
community. The information contained herein is only a brief summary, and residents are encouraged to attend
Board meetings to learn about matters firsthand. With the exception of January, which is the fourth Monday,
and special meetings, the Board meets regularly at 9:00 a.m. on the third Monday of March, May, July, August,
September and October. Minutes of recent meetings are posted to the District’s website. For additional
information please contact the District Manager at (720) 213-6621 or visit our website at
Detention Pond Maintenance: Construction is nearly finished on Pond No. 6, which is the largest detention
pond in the Xcel easement area. Despite some delays caused by wet weather, the pond has been functioning
properly during rainstorms. As previously reported , the project involves extending the concrete storm drainpipe
at the pond inlet by approximately 80 feet. Once installed, the drainpipe will be buried to fill the trench that
runs alongside the City’s pedestrian and bicycle path. This will eliminate a steep drop-off along the path and
make the surrounding area more consistently graded, enhancing safety and erosion concerns. Regarding Pond
No. 7, located in Tract V near the gazebo structure at the north end of the community, sediment has been
removed, and the pond will soon be restored to its original capacity as weather conditions permit.
Welcome New Directors: On May 2nd, Director Moczo and Director Hardin were reelected, they will continue
to serve until May 2027. During the Board meeting held on May 15, 2023, the newly elected Directors officially
assumed their positions, and the Board elected officers. Birgit Baldwin was reelected as President, Jim Hardin
will continue serving as Treasurer, and Pedro Moczo will retain the role of Secretary. Additionally, Timothy
Siml was appointed as Assistant Secretary. Furthermore, the Board had the opportunity to appoint Harlan
Baldwin, who will fill the vacant seat until it expires in 2025. We want to express our deep appreciation for Bob
Giles, who has made the decision not to continue as a Director. We cannot thank Bob enough for the invaluable
contributions and unwavering commitment he has shown throughout his years of dedicated Board service.
Irrigation Issues and Updates: Irrigation for the season is now active. If you notice any issues with the
irrigation system, such as leaks or misaligned sprinkler heads, we kindly request that you report them
immediately. By doing so, we can swiftly address the problem. To report any maintenance issues, including
irrigation problems, you may fill out a Maintenance Request Form on the District’s website:, or
contact Public Alliance at 720-213-6621.
Turf Areas: The District has approved the conversion of several small turf areas to rock. This initiative aims
to reduce water expenses and promote water conservation in these areas. The project will be implemented
throughout the 2023 summer.
Bench Installation: The District has approved two new benches to be installed at the Tot Lot and along
Conservatory Parkway north of East Darthmouth Drive. Due to the required assembly and delivery processes,
there is a lead time involved before the installation can occur. The new benches will be a nice addition to the
Property Taxes: The Board of Directors has taken note of the increases in assessed home values within the
community and the resulting impact on the tax burden to residents. As part of their ongoing responsibilities, the
Board will commence the budget planning process for the year 2024 in late summer. During this process, they
will evaluate the District’s overall expenses and adjust the 2024 mill levy to address the District’s revenue
requirements. The mill levy will be adjusted as necessary to avoid over collecting, or over burdening
Artwork Cleaning and Repair: The Board of Directors has given their approval for Masterful Masonry to
undertake the task of cleaning and sealing the concrete artwork. This project aims to restore the appearance and
preserve the integrity of these artistic structures. Additionally, there have been instances of vandalism reported
on some of these structures, which will also be addressed and repaired as part of the project. The Board is taking
proactive measures to maintain the community’s aesthetic appeal and ensure the longevity of the artwork.