Maintenance Map |
Snow Removal Map |
Common Area Irrigation |
Water for irrigation of the landscaped common areas is the District’s largest annual expense. Upgraded smart controllers have significantly reduced water consumption. Aurora Water’s current rules allow homeowners three days of outdoor watering per week. |
Benches |
Two new benches were installed in 2023 along Conservatory Parkway just north of Dartmouth and near the Tot lot on Kilby. |
Detention Ponds |
Detention ponds hold storm runoff and allow retention time for impurities to settle to the bottom before the water flows into local creeks and drainage areas. The District owns and maintains six of the seven ponds located within the community, locations can be viewed on the maintenance map. Pond maintenance is an ongoing activity with many improvement projects completed. |
Dog Waste Stations |
The District has 18 dog waste stations located throughout the community. Please use them for their intended purpose and avoid throwing regular trash in them. Stations are serviced every two weeks. Pet owners are urged to help maintain a clean environment by collecting and discarding all dog waste using the pet waste bags provided. |
Mailbox Kiosks |
The District owns 26 mail kiosks. Bulletin boards are affixed to the kiosks with posting policies clearly displayed. While the mailbox kiosks (wooden structures) are owned and maintained by the District, the mailboxes themselves are owned by the United States Postal Office. The District does not have keys to individual boxes nor the ability to repair or replace broken locks or lost or stolen keys. Issues related to individual mailboxes should be directed to the Aurora Post Office, 16890 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, CO 80017, or via phone (303) 227-5426. |
Tot Lot Playground |
The District owns one “tot lot” playground, located on Tract J. Enjoy the play time with family and friends. |
Trash Cans |
Please help us keep litter from being discarded in the open areas by using the two District-maintained trash cans. |
Tree Replacements |
Each year, the Board determines the scope of tree replacements, chosen from a list of species with lower risk of pest infestation. A tree inventory and condition assessment was performed in summer 2023 and is regularly updated to inform decisions regarding future tree care |